International Voice-over ArtistDAN DUNLAP
International Voice-over ArtistDAN DUNLAP
International Voice-over ArtistDAN DUNLAP
From evil to evangelical…the “guy next door” to the guy you want to move away from, Dan is a voice talent that brings “the goods” every time he cracks open the mic. From TV and radio to the web and the boardroom. Commercials, promos and corporate presentations, Dan has a dynamic range and a smoky delivery.
Keywords: Narrator, Commanding, Resonant, Thoughtful, Provoking, Encouraging, Enriching, Enlightening, Refined, Stimulating, Uplifting, Fluid, Classic, Smooth, Friendly, Trustworthy, Hip, Cool, Rich, Bold, Full-Bodied, Plush, Savory, Voice of God, Influential, Instructive, Historic, Informational, Educational, James Earl Jones, Sam Elliott, Manly, Grizzled, Cowboy.